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    Frequently asked questions.

    Here are some Question that we get asked oftenly from our users.

    We mainly offer our service to singles who are either looking for friendship, casual dates,or serious relationships. We are not “Just another hook up app” we don’t condone that culture or anything emotionally toxic. Our hope for you is something amazing and beautiful that will enrich your life not waste your time. 

    Extremely secure. In regards to your name or number, members will only ever be able to see your user name unless you give them personal info in messenger. 

    In regards to the website having your name and email that stays locked up within the website and is only used to send you alerts when you get a new message that is what we use that information for. 

    In regards to your credit card information the website does not retain that, only the credit card merchant does. Our merchant is owned by visa it is the most popular credit card merchant with the highest security, which is why we chose them. 

    You can secure your profile to private. Only your friends will see your profile picture if you choose to add one but check off private. Others will see a generic picture with a locked logo until you add them as a friend. 

    YES, and a Profile song as well if you’d like. You just grab an embedded link from Spotify on a song of your choice. ( instructions in the welcome email) 

    No. We have a full-blown desktop website with a ton of functionality and a “mobile view” After going over the options I chose to do it this way because of better functionality and a variety of things to do on the site. Plus keeping the integrity of what I wanted for our members. Doing it this way drastically reduces fake profiles, robots and scammers.